There is a developing trend of companies using professional streaming providers to stream at external venues. Naoca’s platform makes it quick and easy to set up a channel specifically for them to stream onto your website or ours.
Step 1 – Create their Channel
Navigate to the settings page at the top right-hand side of the site.
Select the channels tab in the menu.
On your channels page you will find a list of your current streaming channels. We will need to add another channel for your professional streaming provider by selectin the Add button. Contact Naoca if you have exceeded your current channel limit.
Type in a channel name – where possible type in the name of your business, followed by the name of the professional streaming company so we can identify which business is linked to the channel.
You can also add a poster image if you wish, which will display as the default background to the video player before the live stream starts. If you do not add a poster here the live streaming page will default to your organization poster. Click Save.
You will now find the new channel in your channels list.
From here you will need to inform your professional provider of the RTMP code and stream key.
The stream URL and stream key are joined in our platform in the format rtmp:// where rtmp:// is the RTMP code and live is the stream key. Please ensure you break them down for your provider and remember to leave out the slash (/) between the RTMP code and stream key.
Step 2 – Set Up the Stream
You can now create a live stream as normal and will be able to select your professional streaming provider from the channel drop down menu during this process.
Step 3 – Run a Test Stream
Always ensure you run a test stream through the system prior to live streaming an event. Contact Naoca for support as required.
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